Associated projects

Virtualizing Vocational Training
Virtualizing Vocational Training - Development of Apps in virtual and augmented reality for more inclusive learning ( abbreviated as VR4INCLUSIVE IN VET) The goal of the project is to publicize the potential offered by new technologies, especially virtual ..

IMMERSIVE SURGICAL EDU: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Haptics for Enhanced Surgical Training and Education
The surgical education learning process significantly relies on hands-on experience and the development of tactile abilities. Access to surgical training, however, is limited, and typical teaching techniques may not give the essential experience to acquire the..

Training the engineers of the future (FuturEng)
Innovations in energy, transport, manufacturing, robotics and artificial intelligence are inevitably changing the world, and engineers are and will be playing a key role in improving these industries, especially in the post-COVID-19 era, in the green and digit..

UX@school - User Experience Design for improving digital education in secondary schools
The UX@School project aims at strengthening the role of teachers and trainers in designing student-centred digital environments, activities and materials, exploiting the potential of UX Design in order to improve engagement andeffectiveness of distance learnin..

Go Green! Transdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Environmental Sustainability at School
Context Sustainable development is the core subject in the debate of global communities for a renewed development model which will be able to respect the environment and preserve naturalresources. Schools have to educate new generations to an integrated ..