UX@school - User Experience Design for improving digital education in secondary schools
The UX@School project aims at strengthening the role of teachers and trainers in designing student-centred digital environments, activities and materials, exploiting the potential of UX Design in order to improve engagement andeffectiveness of distance learning in schools.
The specific objectives of the project are linked to the programme priorities to shift toward digital transformation and to improve teachers’ digital literacy skills.
Project period: 2023 11 01 – 2025 10 30
Project No: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000156059
Erasmus+ program: KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education
Target groups: Secondary school teachers and educators (non ICT experts)
Aim and objectives:
To support teachers in designing student-centred digital environments, activities and materials, exploiting the potential of UX Design in order to improve engagement and effectiveness of distance learning in schools:
To be aware UX design principles and its potential in education
To enhance the capacity to monitor and asses the student (user) experience
To create more effective and engaging digital materials and environments
- UX@School Handbook:
A document providing knowledge on UX principles, tools and examples for applying UX Design to digital artefacts and environments implemented in educational contexts.
2. UX@School Online Tracking System:
an online tool for monitoring and evaluating the user experience of students based on UX design principles.
3. UX@School MOOC:
an exhaustive online training course addressed to teachers and trainers on how to UX Design
Project partners:
LEARNABLE SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA A R.L (Italy), project coordinator
ISTITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE POLO 3 (Italy), Vocational Training school polotrefano.it
"BUDAKOV FILMS" EOOD (Bulgaria), bfstudio.eu
AKOE EDUCACIÓ COOP.V (Spain), network of schools, akoe.coop
INSTITUTE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (Greece), Non-governmental organisation/association, ied.eu
RASEINIAI ŠALTINIS PROGYMNASIUM (Lithuania), school, saltiniomokykla.lt
VšĮ „eMundus“ participate project as associated partner for results dissemination.
Project's website: uxatschool.eu
Social networks: