The European project entitled Softis-Ped (Softskills for Children’s Health) is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education. The project has been written and coordinated by Pixel in cooperation with the project applicant and scientific coordinator University of Turgu Mures (Romania). Softis-Ped is addressed to medicine university lecturers in the pediatrics field.
VšĮ "eMundus" is associated partner.
The quality of paediatric services depends on the physicians’ job specific skills involving knowledge and practical abilities (hard skills) and also a series of soft transversal, personality-linked, intellectual skills and meta-skills (i.e. soft skills).
Soft skills are likely to make the difference between the good and excellent paediatric health services, creating an error free, safer, and supportive environment for the paediatric patients and parents.
The project aims to provide them with relevant soft-skills as far as communication, transparency, organization, intercultural issues are concerned.
Area: School and University Education
Start Date: 01.10.2016
End Date: 30.09.2018
Website: http://softis-ped.pixel-online.org/