Erasmus+ KA2 project "Socio-Emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education"

Erasmus+ KA2 project "Socio-Emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education"

"Socio-emotional Capacity Building in Primary Education" (PSsmile)

Project aims to foster socio-emotional capacity development in primary education institutions enrolling into activities all community, to contribute in building emotionally stable, inclusive and healthy communities in primary education institutions where significant adults, namely parents and teachers, reach a better understanding of what is education, take care of their own socio-emotional functioning and support its development in children. That is a fluorishing community result from a joint capacity building process of parents, teachers and children in both educational and daily life contexts.

Project objectives​: 

  • Empower teachers and parents with effective tools to more successfully guide socio-emotional development of their children.
  • Create guidelines for educators in order to provide them with necessary knowledge and skills to support socio-emotional development of children in primary education.
  • Develop an online platform to collect and disseminate materials across participating countries.
  • Raise awareness in the local communities and in the European community  about  the  importance of fostering socio-emotional development.

Project period: 2019 09 01 – 2022 08 31

Programe: Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project partners:

The partnership aims to correct the lack of balance between subject knowledge and social and emotional education.

Project number: 2019-1-LT01-KA201-060710

Project website: