As an associate partner, eMundus participated in the international project Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership n the field of School Education project GOSCIENCE: ENHANCED COMPREHENSION IN SCIENCE TEACHING AND LEARNING.
The aim of the project is to develop youth culture of gaining comprehension in science subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology) as well as to promote students’ creativity, thus making scientific knowledge better understandable and with higher probability of implementing it in real life.
Target groups:
- Teachers of Mathematics and/or Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) or working in scientific field, developing interdisciplinarity.
- 12-18 y.o. pupils, learning in Secondary or Vocational Schools.
Project period: 2017 12 01 - 2019 11 30
Programe: Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project partner:
- Vocational school “Dr. Asen Zlatarov” (Bulgaria)
- Zinev Art Technologies (Bulgaria)
- NGO Institut Equalita (Germany)
- Riga State Technical School (Latvia)
- Latvian Education Foundation (Latvia)
- Kaunas Juozas Grušas art gymnasium (Lithuania)
- Asociacija: Associació Empresarial L'alqueria Projectes Educatius - ALPE (Spain)
- Foundation EuroEd (Romania)
- Connectis (Italy) - IT partner
- Pixel - Associazione Culturale (Italy)
Public institution "eMundus" is associated partner of this project responsible for wider project's dissemination for target audience - schools (teachers and pupils of 8th-12th grades)
Project website: goscience.eu